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Helping you lead a happy and connected life.

Wired for

Helping you lead a happy and connected life.

About The Stimulator

The stimulator is an in-home device cleared by the FDA for the treatment of insomnia, anxiety and depression.

How does the Stimulator work?

By using the device for 20minutes before bedtime you will find relief from insomnia as it stimulates the brain to reduce anxiety by producing serotonin and melatonin while lowering cortisol. Instead of inhibiting neurons from absorbing serotonin, as antidepressant medication does, the Stimulator activates brain regions that are responsible for mood, sleep and cognition.

Are there any side effects?

1 in 500 patients report a mild headache when using the device.  Some patients may experience an increase in wakefulness immediately after using the device.  If this occurs the device should not be used within three hours of bedtime.

We are excited to offer alternative forms of treatment for those who are interested in a more holistic approach.

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