Cross-Cultural Counseling. Fatemeh Farahan, LMFT is fluent in English and Farsi.

Solving the problems rooted in
 clashing-cultures at home.
Individual, couples, and family therapy.

Start finding answers now with my free guide to cross-cultural counseling. Just tell me where to send your resources:

We speak Farsi and English

Discover how you and your family can make changes, even if it feels impossible. We are experts in helping people transcend cultural stressors and start living their best lives.

 Decision making in the family? Bonding in marriage? Pressures to perform?

As Iranians we often feel like we are required to have all the answers in both business and family. Sometimes there is a sense of competition, or difficulty in finding the right partner in cultures with certain expectations. Counseling can help you find your happy place between your values as an American and as an Iranian.

Intergenerational Issues

Parents and children often don't see things eye to eye, but cross-cultural issues can make the pain even more difficult. We can help resolve intergenerational conflict.

Pressure to Marry

As a young person you may feel pressure to find the perfect someone that is different than what you think is ideal. Learn how to balance these pressures with real world solutions.

Parenting Styles

The way you were parented in another culture may be far different than how you should parent in a new culture. Discover how to dissolve the tension and discover compromise.

Rites of Passage

Family experiences and expectations can lead to feeling of either not living up to the ideals, or fearing failure at certain stages of life. Counseling can help you put these into perspective.


Does it feel like there is sometimes a third or fourth person in your marriage? Parents who do not let go are parents who can meddle. Learn how to set boundaries that will help all involved to thrive and find joy.

Religious Differences

New ways of living sometimes create new sets of beliefs, and often people marry with different levels of  religious beliefs for their new family. learning to manage different levels of religious values in the home can be a great source of tension.  That is where counseling can be very helpful.

Free PDF Download

This is the guide to solving cultural issues that are causing problems for you or your family.

This is a set of principles and techniques that can start the process of healing, happiness, and family unity. Access the guide, then call me to schedule your free consultation. 

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The Free Cross-Cultural Counseling Guide

I want you and your family to find solutions. Get started today with this free guide. Just tell me where you want me to send your access. You can print it or download it for later review or to share with others:

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