Sibling Conflict resolution

ABOUT Sibling Conflict resolution

Even though conflict between siblings can be common, it can have a negative impact on the whole family.  We have the skills and strategies to assist you in resolving sibling rivalry issues for the long term. You will experience the joy of seeing your kids play nicely and will have the tools to put an end to the fighting.

Why does sibling rivalry happen?

Parents need to know and understand the fundamental point that all rivalries invariably seek to satisfy the need for attention and love.

Each child in your family has had to deal with a loss, and as children have difficulty expressing their feelings of frustration verbally, they may turn to fighting and misbehavior.

How do we help your family with sibling conflict?

We empower you and your kids with a toolbox of strategies that will help bring back joy in to your family. The skills include:

  • Parent awareness-by being more aware of how you address your kids strengths and weaknesses , and recognizing how you may unwillingly be contributing to the fighting between your children.
  • A single attention strategy-Giving attention to each of your children in a way that fills their need for attention (ie, this can be a 5 minute process).
  • Empathy skill building- role play and listening skills that can enhance you child’s ability to understand their sibling.
  • Selective ignore strategy- one of the best strategies in the toolbox is knowing the timing and situations for parents to ignore the conflict.
  • Creating the calm- teaching your kids strategies on how to resolve their own conflicts.

We are committed to providing proven strategies to your family and to bring joy and harmony in to your life.