High conflict couples

ABOUT High conflict couples

Research has shown that being in a highly conflictual relationship takes a toll on your wellbeing and can increase the likelihood of anxiety and depression.  Breaking the cycle of your highly reactive relationship requires more than effective communication or intimacy building.  Our clinicians have the knowledge and the expertise to assist you with the out of control emotions of anger, blame and arguing in order to work on building a better relationship.

We provide you with powerful techniques and skills that you and your partner can use to:

  • Tame out of control emotions that flare up in your relationship. 
  • Deescalate angry situations before they have a chance to explode into destructive fights
  • Disclose your fears and vulnerabilities to your partner and validate each other’s experiences.
  • Discover ways to manage problems with negotiation, not conflict.
  • Find true acceptance and connectedness with your partner that will lead to a bounded loving relationship.